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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
USER-SUPPORTED SOFTWARE _______________________
Much of the software which is available for your computer is produced
and sold on the assumption that you are a crook and that you will take
any available opportunity to cheat software writers and vendors out of
their rightful reward. Such software is copy-protected within an inch
of its (and your computer's) life and is priced at a level which still
guarantees its producers a profit even if four or five illegal copies
are made for each one sold. User-supported software is different. You
may have got a copy of this program free from a friend or a bulletin
board or (for a nominal fee) from a users' group or software library.
In any case, you have a perfectly legal copy. You are encouraged to
make as many copies of the package as you like and to distribute them
to all your friends. If, after trying the program out, you find that
it is useful and want to continue to keep and use it, you must register
your copy by sending the registration fee ($20.00, unless you are
already a registered user of HDTEST, in which case it is $10.00)
together with the completed registration form, to the address on the
form. Only your conscience can make you do this (although you are ____
probably breaking the law if you don't), but bear in mind that the
distributors of "user-supported" software are making the assumption
that you are honest and willing to pay a reasonable price for a useful
program, many commercial software vendors, on the other hand, would
apparently rather believe you are a crook. You can decide who you
would rather prove right. Registered users will be entitled to
support, upgrades (V2.20 was released to Registered users at the
beginning of 1987), and help with DIREDIT-related problems (including
telephone support) for a year from the date of registration.
Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
INTRODUCTION ____________
DIREDIT is a program which allows you to "edit" DOS directories. There
are a number of programs, some in the public domain, others available
as components of commercial utility packages (e.g. the Norton
Utilities (TM)), which allow directories to be sorted in various ways ______
(by filename, by file type ("extension"), by modification date, by
size), but DIREDIT is (as far as I know) the only one which also
allows the user to specify an arbitrary order and/or to move
individual directory entries around at will. DIREDIT also displays
the directory in a very compact manner, with up to 80 file-names
visible on the screen at once, but allows you to see the full file
description for any entry simply by moving a cursor to the name.
You may reasonably ask why you should care how your directories are
arranged - one answer to this question depends on the fact that the
order in which subdirectories and files are listed in the order in
which DOS searches through them (when asked to find a data file or
executable program). It follows from this that programs and data files
will be accessed fastest if they appear at the top of the directory
listing of the subdirectory in which they are found, and also that
subdirectories (especially those which are specified in your PATH
command) should, for fast access, be at the top of the directory
listing. On the other hand, many people find it easier to find a file
that they are searching for if the directory is sorted in some other
way. The advantages (in this context) of alphabetical sorts by name
and/or type are obvious, but sorting by size or date/time (most
recently modified files at the bottom) can also sometimes be useful.
You can use DIREDIT for both purposes - arranging your directories on
disk for efficient access and then resorting them temporarily on the
screen when searching for a file without (necessarily) saving the
resorted directory to disk.
DIREDIT is distributed as "User-supported Software". If, after trying
it out, you decide to continue to use it, you should become a
registered user by sending a completed copy of the Registration Form
(which is included in this documentation), together with a check or
money order for $20.00 ($10.00 for Registered Users of HDTEST) to me
at the address which appears on the form (and on the program's
copyright screen). I will register you for a year's support.
Registration entitles you to be notified of upgrades, bug fixes, newly
discovered incompatibilities, etc., and to ask for (and get) necessary
help in adapting the program to work on your hardware. I cannot guar-
antee to make DIREDIT work with every possible combination of hardware
and software, but I will promise to try to solve problems as they come
up, and I will return your registration fee if I cannot support the
program on your system. Support will be available TO REGISTERED USERS ___________________
ONLY by mail, BIXmail, Compuserve EMail and, for an experimental ____
period, telephone. Please also bear in mind that my willingness and
ability to continue to support and enhance these programs will be
directly dependent on your willingness to pay the registration fee and
(to some extent) inversely dependent on the number of questions I get
that could be answered by reading the documentation(!).
DIREDIT was written principally in C, compiled by the Microsoft C
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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
compiler (Version 4.00) using its "small" memory model, and linked
with code from the distributed Microsoft C object libraries using the
Microsoft LINK program (Version 3.51). Additional assembly language
routines were assembled by the Microsoft MASM Macro Assembler (Version
4.00). Portions of the distributed program are consequently Copyright
(C) by Microsoft Corp., 1985, 1986. All rights reserved. These
portions are used under the terms of a license from Microsoft Corp.
DIREDIT was written with care and has been tested on a number of
different systems. I cannot, however, give any guarantee as to their
performance on a specific system, nor can I accept liability for any
actual or consequential loss resulting from their use. The programs
may only be used and/or copied in their original form. Unauthorised
modifications and/or the use of all or part of the program in other
software, commercial or otherwise, are strictly prohibited.
HARDWARE & SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ________________________________
DIREDIT makes a number of assumptions about the environment in which
it is operating. The program will, generally speaking, abort with an
informative error message if it finds one of these assumptions to be
untrue! It requires MS/PC-DOS 2.x or above and about 96 Kb of free
memory (the exact amount required depends on the size of the target
directory) to run. The device on which the target directory is found
must have been initialized by FDISK and FORMATted by the DOS utility.
DIREDIT uses BIOS calls to read and write the directory information, so
the BIOS handler for interrupt 13 must be capable of handling (at
least) normal disk reads and writes (sub-functions 2 and 3) in a way
that is compatible with that documented for the XT disk adapter in
IBM's technical documentation. This should be no problem for most disk
systems on IBM PCs and most compatibles. This version of DIREDIT may ___
not, however, be usable on non-bootable hard disks and/or on hard
disks which require special device drivers to be installed. A
forthcoming release of DIREDIT (which should be available to
registered users by the end of December, 1986) should be usable on
almost any DOS disk device, without requiring BIOS compatibility.
An ANSI screen driver should be installed on those systems (including
IBM PCs) which do not support ANSI screen I/O in Video BIOS. The
program's screen output speed will benefit significantly from the use
of one of the enhanced ANSI drivers that are available (FANSI-Console,
NANSI, etc.), but it will operate correctly (if more slowly) with
Microsoft's ANSI.SYS.
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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
RUNNING DIREDIT _______________
The program is invoked with the command:
DIREDIT [pathname]
If a pathname is not specified on the command line, the program will
default to that of the current directory. Otherwise, any valid DOS
path specification may be used (some examples are: A:\; A:\SUB1\SUB2;
\SUB1\SUB2 {referred to the root directory of the current device};
SUB3\SUB4 {starting from the current directory}). Note that there is
one difference between the way DIREDIT interprets path specifications
and the way DOS normally does. DIREDIT will interpret a specification
which contains a drive but no path (e.g. A:) as referring to the root ____
directory on the specified drive, rather than the default directory on _______
that drive (if one has been named in a "CD" command).
DIREDIT will display its copyright screen and pause until you press a
key - it will then read in the directory to be edited and check to see
whether the first file or files in the directory have the "System"
attribute. If they do (typically true for the files that contain the
resident component of the operating system on the root directory of a
bootable disk), DIREDIT asks whether you wish to exclude these files
from directory sort operations. You should not override the default
("Y") answer to this question unless you are sure you know what you
are doing - if the operating system files are not first in the
directory, the disk will cease to be bootable. After you have
responded to this question (assuming that it was necessary for DIREDIT
to ask it) the program will switch to its normal display mode.
On the upper 20 lines of the terminal screen are displayed up to 80
"identifier blocks", each comprising an ID number (which initially
corresponds to the position of the directory entry in the directory)
and a file name. An inverse video box cursor, initially positioned
over the first (top lefthand) block, indicates the current entry. This
box can be moved to highlight any visible block by using the arrow
keys. The "Cursor->" display line at the bottom of the screen shows
the full description of the file or directory whose name is in the
current block. If there are less than 81 active directory entries (the
normal case!), all will be displayed all the time, otherwise only the
first 80 will be visible.
THE SCREEN DISPLAY __________________
The names and ID numbers of up to 80 files and/or subdirectories are
displayed on the screen at once. If the directory being edited
contains more than this number of entries, DIREDIT allows you to
"page" up and down within the directory so that you can inspect or
operate on any entry. In this case, the screen is divisible into two
windows by a line drawn vertically down its center. The right-hand
window will always contain 40 blocks; the left-hand one will contain
up to 40 more. Each window may be positioned (using the <PgUp>,
<PgDn>, <Home>, and <End> keys) anywhere within the directory, except
that the two windows may never overlap and that the left hand window
must always remain "below" the right hand one in the directory. When
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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
the program starts up, the two windows are "locked", so that they move
together. Pressing the "L" key toggles the lock so that they can move
<PgUp> moves the current window (i.e. the one which contains the block
cursor) up by twenty entries.
<PgDn> moves the current window down by twenty entries.
<Home> moves the current window as far towards the beginning of the
directory as possible (so that is shows the first 40 entries).
<End> moves the current window as far towards the bottom of the
directory as possible (to show the last 21 to 40 entries).
If the windows are not "locked" together and an attempted window move
would cause them to overlap (i.e. the inactive window is immediately
adjacent to the current one in the direction of the attempted move) OR
the windows are "locked" together (which is the default case), both
windows are moved. If an attempted window move would cause either
window to go off the top or bottom of the file, it does not take place
and the attempt is simply ignored. Note that window moves do not
affect the position of the cursor within the window. _________________
EDITING THE DIRECTORY _____________________
The simplest way of making small changes to the organization of the
directory is by moving individual entries. An individual entry is
moved by positioning the cursor on the identifier block, "picking it
up" by pressing the <Del> key, positioning the cursor at the point to
which the entry is to be moved, and "inserting" it there by pressing
the <Ins> key. The full description of the entry that is in the
process of being moved is shown on the "Moving->" display at the
bottom of the screen. You may not exit (which causes the disk
directory to be updated, and would, in this case, cause the "moving"
entry to be lost) while an entry is being moved - you must replace it
somewhere first. An entry which is being moved is also automatically
put back (at the current cursor position) before a sort operation is
carried out. Note that you can move "System" entries from the ___
beginning of the root directory manually, but you will be prompted for ________
confirmation before you can "pick them up".
A number of other single-key commands are implemented, as described
below. Many of them trigger short dialogues, and the commands with
potentially far-reaching effects usually require confirmation before
you are allowed to do something you might regret. Note that, although
the editor commands do not require that the <Return> key be pressed
also, responses to prompts always do.
"D" - change the date stamp on the current file. The program prompts
with the current date stamp - the new date should be entered in the
same format. Invalid dates will be rejected but any valid date between
January 1, 1980 and December 31, 2099 may be entered.
"L" - toggle the "lock" which (by default) forces both windows to move
together. This has no perceptible effect unless there are more than 80
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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
entries in the directory.
"M" - display the next of a series of single-line "aides-memoire" to
available commands which appear on the 23rd line of the screen.
Repeatedly pressing this key will cycle through lines describing all
valid commands.
"N" - edit a new directory (you are automatically given the option of
writing the one currently being edited to disk first, if changes have
been made to it).
"Q" - quit the program without updating the current directory. If you _______
have made any changes during the current session, the program will
prompt for confirmation before actually quitting.
"R" - rename the current file. The program will prompt you to enter
the new name. Invalid names (too long, containing illegal characters,
etc.) will be rejected, as will a name that is the same as one of
another file entry in the current directory.
"S" - sort the directory (see below).
"X" - exit and (if any changes have been made) update the current
"?" or <F1> - display help text.
SORTING THE DIRECTORY _____________________
The directory display (and, ultimately, the directory on disk) may be
sorted by date, filename, extension, or file size, in ascending or
descending order. It may also be rearranged in any other arbitrary
order you care to specify.
When you enter "S", the program will determine, by asking you a series
of questions, how you want the directory to be sorted.
The first option presented is: "User-Specified Order?" - responding to
this prompt by entering "Y" allows you to rearrange the file entries
in an arbitrary order. You will then be prompted to enter two lists of
file numbers (the numbers displayed next to the filenames on the
screen). The first list should contain the numbers of files which you
would like to move to the top of the directory (in the order in which
you want them to appear there) - the second should contain the numbers
of files which you want to move to the bottom, also in the order in
which they are to appear. Either list may be empty (just press
<Return>). The lists should contain only the file numbers, as decimal
integers, separated by one or more spaces and/or tabs. A final prompt
requires that you specify [A]scending or [D]escending order -
specifying [D]escending order simply reverses the order of all the
files in the directory after your specified files have been moved to _____
the top and/or the bottom of the (otherwise) current version.
Other possible sort orders are presented in turn as options if "User-
Specified Order?" is rejected. These are "Sort by Filename?" (which
actually sorts by name and extension), "Sort by Extension?" (which
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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
sorts by extension first, then by filename for files with the same
extension), "Sort by Date/Time?" (which sorts by file date, then by
time), and "Sort by file size?". Whichever of these is accepted, the
program asks that you also specify [A]scending or [Descending order
before proceeding with the sort.
"System" files at the beginning of a directory will be excluded from
all sorts unless specifically included (by a "N" response when the __
program asks you whether you want them excluded). In fact, if you have
moved such a file manually to some other position, any sort will
result in its being put back where it came from.
IMPORTANT NOTE ______________
You should always review the directory you have been editing (by using
the DOS DIR command) after exiting from DIREDIT, in order to check
that it looks the way it should. If it doesn't look right, before ______
doing anything else, run CHKDSK or reboot the system and check it ___________________
again - if it still doesn't look right, you will have to DIREDIT it
again. These precautions are advised because DOS keeps up to 99
sectors worth of data (including directory data) from your disks in
memory (the actual number of sectors held in this way is set by the
"BUFFERS=..." line in CONFIG.SYS, and defaults to 2 in PCs and XTs and
3 in ATs). If you use DIREDIT (which reads and writes the directory
sectors without using DOS functions) to change a directory that DOS is
holding in memory, that internal representation of the directory is
not automatically updated. This presents a potential problem because, ___
if you were then to do something that changed the directory (write a
new file, change an old file, etc.) from within DOS, DOS would make
the appropriate changes to its copy of the (old) directory and write ___
it back over the new directory. Because there is no way of telling DOS ____
that the contents of its sector buffers may be invalid, DIREDIT
attempts to flush them (before exiting) by performing a number of
manoeuvres which result in multiple DOS disk read operations. It is ____
possible (though not very likely) that there are circumstances under
which DIREDIT will fail to flush the DOS sector buffers - running
CHKDSK always seems to flush them successfully, and rebooting is
guaranteed to do so.
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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ____________________________
The current version of DIREDIT has a few limitations, which result
from the way data is stored internally by the program. They are not
"etched in stone", although the second could be avoided only with
considerable difficulty. They are as follows:
1) Maximum number of clusters per disk = 28,000 (this number is
approximate, because it depends on dynamic memory allocation). This
limit may be increased to 32,768 in a subsequent version of the
2) Maximum cluster size = 65,535 bytes. I do not believe that a DOS
disk can ever have clusters larger than 64 Kb, but my limit is one
less than that and may, since sector and cluster sizes tend to run in
powers of 2, effectively limit cluster size to 32 Kb - this should be
enough for most people!.
3) Screen update speed is less than earth-shatteringly fast (!). This
is on top of my list of things to be improved in V2.00.
BUGS AND OTHER UNPLEASANT SUBJECTS __________________________________
Although, like all programmers, I sometimes like to think that my
product is perfect, it is possible that there are a few bugs lurking
in the depths of the program, and likely that some combination of
software and hardware exists which DIREDIT cannot figure out and/or
cope with. If you think you have found a bug and/or if you cannot get
the program to work on your system, do the following:
1) Reread this documentation! Make sure that you are doing exactly
what the documentation and/or program prompts tell you to do. Make
sure (if you are trying to edit a directory on a drive with removable
media) that the media is not write-protected.
2) Boot your system from a "virgin" DOS disk - preferably a copy of
your DOS distribution disk - and try to run DIREDIT again. If the
program runs in this limited environment, but not in your normal DOS
environment, try reconstructing the system under which it failed (by
adding things one by one until the problem recurs) and let me know
about the incompatibility.
3) If the above approaches do not help, send me as detailed a
description of the problem as possible and (IF you are a registered _______________________
user) I will do my best to diagnose and fix it. If you are not a ____
registered user, my interest in solving your problem is likely to
depend on how probable I think it is that you have found a bug rather
than an incompatibility. A bug/incompatibility report should always ______
include a full description of the system (software and hardware) on ____
which the program is being run.
CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS ______________________________
The first version of DIREDIT that was generally released was V1.20.
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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
This version embodies the following changes/bug fixes:
1) Bug causing sorts by file size to result in incorrect ordering
under some circumstances fixed (at V1.30).
2) Bugs causing improper operation of the [R]ename option fixed (at
3) Bug causing the program to abort with a "Non-existent or Invalid
Directory" error if the program were given a path specification
containing only a drive name (e.g. A:) fixed (at V1.35).
4) Memory allocation/deallocation problem causing the program to abort
with a "Invalid Device" error after the "N" option is used to edit a
(variable) number of directories fixed (at V1.40).
5) ANSI driver reset to normal mode (insert line feed after 80th
successive printable character output to screen) when program exits
(at V1.40).
6) Ability to use the faster screen output mode provided by certain
ANSI enhancers added (at V1.30).
7) Changes to program logic to reduce unnecessary screen updating (at
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Documentation for DIREDIT V1.51 Copyright 1986, P. R. Fletcher ________________________________ _______________________________
APPENDIX - SUMMARY OF SINGLE-KEY COMMANDS _________________________________________
<PgUp> - move the current window up by twenty entries.
<PgDn> - move the current window down by twenty entries.
<Home> - move the current window as far towards the beginning of the
directory as possible.
<End> - move the current window as far towards the bottom of the
directory as possible.
<Del> - "pick up" directory entry for move.
<Ins> - "put down" directory entry.
"D" - change the date stamp on the current file.
"L" - toggle the "lock" which (by default) forces both windows to move
"M" - display the next of a series of single-line "aides-memoire" to
available commands which appear on the 23rd line of the screen.
"N" - edit a new directory.
"Q" - quit the program without updating the current directory. _______
"R" - rename the current file.
"S" - sort the directory.
"X" - exit and (if any changes have been made) update the current
"?" or <F1> - display help text.
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REGISTRATION FORM - DIREDIT V1.51 _________________________________
Please complete this form and return it with a check or money order (no
cash, please) for $20.00 ($30.00 Canadian, L15.00 Sterling) to:
Peter R. Fletcher
1515 West Montgomery Avenue
PA 19010
None of the information on this form will be passed on to any other
individual or commercial organization. Use the back of the form for
comments or additional space.
This information is required to process your Registration:
Last Name:____________________________ Other Names:______________________
Address:______________________________ Town/City:________________________
State:_____________ Post Code:____________ Telephone:_________________
I understand that this software is supplied without warranty, express or
implied, and agree not to hold its author liable for any direct or
consequential loss arising out of my use of it.
You are requested, but not required, also to answer the following
On What type(s) of computer are you using DIREDIT? ______________________
CPU (8088, 8086, etc.)? __________ Amount of RAM (kB)? ____________
Type & Size of Hard Disk(s)? ____________________________________
Make and Type of Hard Disk Controller(s)? ______________________________
Do you own a Modem? Y N
Are you a member of BIX? Y N Compuserve? Y N
Do you own or have access to a Cauzin Softstrip Reader Y N
Did you think that the $20.00 registration fee for this program was:
Very Good Value? About Right? Excessively High?
Are there any other utility programs that you would like to see made
available as "User Supported Software"? What sort of programs?